A question came to me one day while I was pumping gas; I was thinking about material things, like motorcycle choppers, and how could I justify my desire to build a chopper. One way I reasoned was that I could start a chopper building company. I then started to think of material things in general: How we focus so much on the material things and positions and status of life; how much they control our lives or how we allow them to control our lives. It also occurred to me that if they control so much of our life, what else controls our life? The possible ways that material things control our lives are:
Sayings and Quotes
It is of the utmost importance to have the greatest respect for your greatest teachers...What or Who are your teachers!Tyce
Life is not about balance but about power and power comes from choice!Tyce
Ignorance is not a lack of knowledge. Ignorance is ignoring the signs that are staring you in the face!Tyce
Your beliefs create your reality, the very core of who and what you are...Tyce
Our capacity is our Capacity our potential and opportunity!Tyce
- A.R. (1)
- Constructive Criticism (1)
- Control VS Influence (1)
- Controlled by our past (1)
- Do We have a Choice (2)
- Events and Relationships (1)
- Expectations (1)
- Faith and Spirituality (1)
- Forgiveness (1)
- Frustration (1)
- Habits and Addictions (1)
- Inner Dialogue (1)
- Judgment (1)
- Labels (1)
- Mentors (1)
- Our Dominating Emotions (1)
- Performance (1)
- Self Worth (1)
- Selfishness VS Selflessness (1)
- Thoughts are the spring of Reality (1)
- Truth VS Lies (2)
- Unconsciously Incompetent (1)
- Validation (1)
- Why we do what we do (1)
- Your Real Communication (1)