There is no such thing!!!!!!!!!!! Construct means to build and the root of criticism is critic, and to criticize is to tear down, and is the opposite of building up. The truth is, when we think we are helping the other person with constructive criticism, most likely we are not; it is a lie. Take the time to think about why this is a lie. (Unless the relationship is such that both people understand each other and are on the same level of understanding and acceptance, all you will ever have is constructive criticism. If you do have understanding and acceptance, this could also be called: proper frequency, resonance, entrainment.) In the past I used to think I was trying to help my wife and others, but I was only hurting them. This is making the judgment or assessment that it is our place or duty to correct. Is there any other way that we can work with someone to help him or her develop? I can think of at least three situations where it would be our duty that could definitely apply:
Sayings and Quotes
It is of the utmost importance to have the greatest respect for your greatest teachers...What or Who are your teachers!Tyce
Life is not about balance but about power and power comes from choice!Tyce
Ignorance is not a lack of knowledge. Ignorance is ignoring the signs that are staring you in the face!Tyce
Your beliefs create your reality, the very core of who and what you are...Tyce
Our capacity is our Capacity our potential and opportunity!Tyce
- A.R. (1)
- Constructive Criticism (1)
- Control VS Influence (1)
- Controlled by our past (1)
- Do We have a Choice (2)
- Events and Relationships (1)
- Expectations (1)
- Faith and Spirituality (1)
- Forgiveness (1)
- Frustration (1)
- Habits and Addictions (1)
- Inner Dialogue (1)
- Judgment (1)
- Labels (1)
- Mentors (1)
- Our Dominating Emotions (1)
- Performance (1)
- Self Worth (1)
- Selfishness VS Selflessness (1)
- Thoughts are the spring of Reality (1)
- Truth VS Lies (2)
- Unconsciously Incompetent (1)
- Validation (1)
- Why we do what we do (1)
- Your Real Communication (1)